
If you don’t know Jonathan “Polvo” Oquendo yet, you will. Born August 8, 1983, Jonathan is a professional boxer from Puerto Rico. Jonathan is trained by the well known Puerto Rican boxing trainer, Dennis Pantojas. Jonathan spoke at the Max Super Saturday event in Puerto Rico on September 24. He talked about how the Max [...]

Meet Jonathan “Polvo” Oquendo is a post from:

Don’t miss your chance to grow your business with this week’s business calls! Join Max’s top leaders on this week’s business calls and use their expertise to help grow your business. Just 30 minutes can have a dramatic impact on your long-term success. These calls begin at 8 p.m. Mountain Time each day (10 p.m. Eastern, [...]

Important Calls To Grow Your Business is a post from:

Max Business Month Ends – Friday, September 30, 2011 at Midnight Mountain Time Do not lose Money or Volume!  Take 5 minutes to verify yours and your Team’s status. Note:  Autoship orders (including preferred customers) only ship from the 5th thru the 25th of each month. After the 25th of the month, NO Autoship orders will ship.  If your autoship [...]

Month End Checklist is a post from:

Dr. Luis Fuentes and Co-Ceo Joe Voyticky will be our speakers this Saturday Oct. 1, 2011. Dr. Fuentes will be speaking about how he discovered glutathione and what it could do to help his patients stay healthy. Dr. Fuentes will also speak about how our organs come under attack and how glutathione can help protect [...]

Saturday Business Call with Co-CEO Joe Voyticky and Dr. Luis Fuentes is a post from:

Hemos puesto tres videos nuevos de Max en el sitio para ayudar en el crecimiento de su negocio. (We have recently uploaded three Max Spanish videos to to help you build your business.) Haz click abajo para ver cada video. (Click Below to view each video) El Tiempo Ideal. La Solucion Perfecta. (The [...]

3 Nuevos Videos en Español (3 New Spanish Videos) is a post from:

On the evening of September 23, Julio Rivera, Hector Marcano, Jonathan Inesta, Jose Camacho and Carlos Marquez welcomed Steven K. Scott, Dave Bagley, Bob Kaelin and Alex and Claudia Monterrosa to Puerto Rico starting with a dinner for over 100 leaders. Dave Bagley surprised everyone with his fluent Spanish as he spoke of the exciting [...]

Recent Puerto Rico Meeting a Huge Success! is a post from:

Join Max Philippines’ top Leaders & Associates in another month filled with activities that will surely bring a life-changing experience for everyone who will attend. Bring your guests along to show them how Max can teach them to help others, make great money & turn their dreams into reality. October Weekly Max Opportunity Meeting (MOM) [...]

Philippines October Business Meeting Schedule! is a post from:

Close out the month strong and get to the next rank on this week’s conference calls! Join Max’s top leaders on this week’s business calls and use their expertise to help grow your business. Just 30 minutes can have a dramatic impact on your long-term success. These calls begin at 8 p.m. Mountain Time each day [...]

September Month End Closing Calls and Recap of Saturday Conference Calls is a post from:

Congratulations to all the August Max Business Builder club Winners! We know how hard all the contest qualifiers worked and we thank you for introducing so many new Associates to Max International. 8GB HD Video Camera Gosia Kuszewski, Australia Emilia Lao, Philippines Canon PowerShot Digital Camera Heliodoro Hernandez,San uan, Texas Dr. Hector Perez, Puerto Rico [...]

August Business Builder Club Promotion Winners! is a post from:

Inspirational, motivating and powerful! Those are just a few of the words that describe our phenomenal associates who advanced to the next level, raised the bar, and made their mark. We are delighted these individuals have chosen to partner with Max International. We are proud of their hard work and commitment and look forward to honoring them [...]

70 Associates Rank Advance in the Month of August! is a post from: